Thursday, April 22, 2010

Avatar, the movie

A few weeks ago I went to the movies with a friend of mine.
I had heard that Avatar (a 3D movie) was supposed to be awesome, so I decided to go see it.
When we arrived at the cinema, the lobby was crammed full of people that wanted to see Avatar.
Because of that, we had to sit at the front row :S.
We were handed goggles to wear, so we could see the movie in 3D.
Needless to say, the goggles weren't pretty (though nice colours: black and red), but since everyone was wearing them, it didn't bother me.

The movie started and I was amazed by the 3D effects.
There was so much going on on the screen and since it was in 3D it made me dizzy and a bit nauseous for the first 30 minutes.
After that, my body adjusted to the 3D effect and the speed of it, and I could enjoy the movie better.
The main character is a guy called Jake Sully, who is in the Navy (I think).
He is paralysed from the waist down and therefore in a wheelchair.
In the movie there's a war on a planet between humans and blue creatures called Avatar.
American scientist have made hybrids of Avatar and human dna.
The human the dna was used is linked to the hybrid, and so the human can take over the mind of the avatar.
Jake Sully is one of those people that is linked to an Avatar and he is sent to the Avatar to learn from them.
He learns a lot and nothing will be the same ever again.
I won't say anymore, since I don't want to ruin it for you if you haven't seen Avatar yet.
I do advise you however, to go see this movie!
It's awesome and you really don't want to miss it!

So, here's the movie trailer (it's a bit boring, but the movie definitely isn't!):

So, what do you think of Avatar?

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